Helping female travellers build their freedom based online business + travel

I'm on a mission to help thousands of women launch and build their own online freedom based business, quit their 9-5 and travel the world

I believe building a business is not an escape from your current life—it’s so much more than that. It’s a chance to redefine your identity, your future, and everything you grew up believing about what “success” looked like. That freedom feeling you have been dreaming about we're going to turn that into your reality, all you have to do is take the first step.

I help everyday people like YOU, walk away from their soul crushing jobs (forever) and live the laptop lifestyle. I show you not only how to automate your business but shift how you work and earn forever.

A few years on from building up the confidence to invest in my future and take the very first steps. I have quit my corporate office Job and moved to an island literally!

Blue Pearl Bay

Hayman Island



KODAK 400 VC-3





KODAK 400 VC-3

Hey, I'm Lisa, a freedom addict, entrepreneur & traveller

Building a Time Freedom Framework

You're probably wondering where the heck do you start? Don't worry I've been there!

Maybe you’ve already had a crack at this online business thing, had no support, just didn't feel right and you've given up on your dream altogether. Yep! I've also be there. I've even spent thousands of dollars on online courses that just didn't give me the right tools and resources to actually be successful in the online space.

You're in the right place. Step by step. I will show you exactly what you need to build a successful online business. And the best part is, I only need my wifi and laptop to work. You can create this freedom lifestyle too, especially if you stick around.

Your next step is to start here with the Freedom Affiliate Launch Masterclass. A 60 minute class that will breakdown the simplicity of the affiliate model and how you too can create a freedom life (It's not as hard as you may think)..

Hayman Island

Somewhere in the world

KODAK 400 VC-3



KODAK 400 VC-3