Hey there lovely!

I’ve always been a type A student who has hustled hard for success. After I graduated I found myself busting my ass to earn a living and pay for my expenses as an athlete on the Australian team for Archery. Yep, all self funded! What frustrates me the most is, I went to university at 19 because that’s what I thought I should do.

While my co-workers were into partying, the hottest night clubs, and climbing the corporate ladder, all I could think about was freedom. I didn’t feel like I fit into this lifestyle at all and I sure as hell didn’t want to want it, either.

My soul craved way more travel and adventure, but it felt nearly impossible with only 4 weeks annual leave per year (who can live like that?!).

I knew this couldn’t be my future. I didn’t want to commute to an office each day and pretend I enjoyed working 40+ hours a week with 4 weeks of “freedom” a year.

KODAK 400 VC-3




Give Cafe, Bali

I saw the top of the corporate ladder and knew there had to be more. I needed out. Immediately.

With absolutely no clue what I was going to do at 31, I sent my resignation effective immediately, sold all my belongings, and moved to Hayman Island for around 6 months while I figured out how to start and scale a sustainable online business.

Those first 6-months, I was a hot mess to say the least. I had a fairly serious back injury which left me in a very different place to where I was when I arrived. I struggled with mental health during this time and honestly didn't know what was next.

Let's re-wind a bit.. I was that person who tried to google everything. How to start a business, MLM and NWM. I tried it all. Let's be real, spamming your friends and family with products to sell, well.. it's not fun! And this is where it gets good..

Within the first week of launching my affiliate business I had made my first 3 sales (I actually couldn't believe it). All whilst I was sleeping or laying on the beach on this beautiful island I call home..

So I made a plan to quit the corporate life knowing only two things..



I didn't want to be stuck at a desk, I wanted to travel

I wanted to work for myself, have no boss and be financially free

KODAK 400 VC-3


Miel Cafe, Bali



I'm Lisa - Freedom addict, Entrepreneur & Traveller.